Feb 2021

Sigmar's Garden Solver

Solving the Sigmar's Garden minigame with C/C++, computer vision (OpenCV), machine learning (SVM), and mouse movements (X11).


Sigmar's Garden is a minigame in Opus Magnum, the puzzle game developed by Zachtronics. Sigmar's Garden presents a hexagonal board with different types of marbles and the goal is to match two marbles with each other to remove them and clear the board. Each marble represents an alchemical element and there are rules on how you can match them. Importantly, only free marbles, marbles that have 3 or more connected empty neighbours, can be used when matching. The full ruleset as explained in the game can be seen in Fig 1.

The game constantly teases you to win more games. First it requests you to win a single game, then win 10 games, then win 25 games and so on. This drove me crazy and I got the idea to make a program that solves them. Using OpenCV and X11 libraries, the solver screenshots the game, classifies the marbles, finds a solution, and performs the solution using mouse movements and clicks.


The project consists of a single cpp-file that is divided into several sections: a hashset, the solver, the OpenCV section, the X11 section, and a main section. I started writing the solver in C but after OpenCV was added the code turned more into C++ and is now a weird mix between them.

The hashset and the solver work together. The solver is a simple recursive exhaustive search that identifies possible moves and performs a depth first search over them. Each board state that is explored is inserted into the hashset as memoization to prevent exploring previously explored states. This works really well because it is easy to reach the same state multiple times.

OpenCV is used in two different ways. It is used for manipulation of images and for its Support Vector Machine (SVM) that I used to classify the marble types. At first I thought that perhaps it is enough to just use simple template matching in order to classify the marbles but a closer look shows that the marbles all have slightly different lighting effects depending on their position in the board. Having used OpenCVs SVM previously I just chose to use this again.

The SVM is trained on screenshots of the game from Jonathan Blow and Dexbonus. One problem that I encountered is that the marbles have different sprites when they are free or closed. This forced me to add screenshots of games in progress so that there are samples of metals that are in the free state when training the classifier.

The hexagonal grid is created by hardcoding the pixel values for the center and hexagonal width at 720p for reference. Using the hardcoded values a hexagonal coordinate system can be built using two axes. A limitation this causes is that all image inputs are expected to be in 16:9 aspect ratio or the grid might not be properly aligned. Red Blob Games has an excellent resource on hexagonal grids.

Features are extracted by cropping a 24x24 pixel square from each hexagon. These are preprocessed by converting the images to black and white, adding a bit of gaussian blur and then an adaptive threshold filter.

After classifying and solving a game the solver can output the solution in text, by drawing on the input image as shown in Fig 1, or in the form of mouse movements and clicks using X11, the common windowing system for Unix-like operating systems. The idea is that you bind the solver to a global hotkey that when pressed executes the solver. The solver will then take control of the mouse and perform movements and clicks inside the focused window (presumably the game itself, but for testing purposes YouTube or images work too, assuming they are correctly sized). The solver will press New Game before it exits.


The solver managed to solve 100 games of Sigmar's Garden with only minor issues. Most games where solved is less than a second after invoking the solver. The time to perform the solution is not included in this. Performing the solution takes several seconds.

A few games took slightly longer than a second to solve, and only one game took more than 10 seconds to solve. That game also broke the hardcoded memory limit which was increased by 4x and never reached again.

During the trial there were no errors with classifying the different marbles. It should be pointed out that all solved games were solved from the beginning, and I expect that the biggest problem with the classifier is classifying the free metal marbles in the later game. Another limitation is in the resolution of the game. The solver could not manage 900p resolution of game, but 1080p worked. This is because the resolution option in the game is not a simple scaling.


In the source code there are several comments regarding future and possible TODO such as some suggestions on improving the hashset, the solving algorithm, and improving the structure around labelled data for the SVM.

A large improvement would be to remove OpenCV. OpenCV is a huge 100+ MiB dependency and a massive overkill for this project. The image loading and manipulating can probably be replaced by stb_image, lodepng, or similar, and it is possible to write a new classifier relatively simply.


Download code with git clone and build sigmars_garden using the included script. On first start it will train the classifier and save it to sigmars_garden.svm. Try it using --images on the included training/test data!

$ ./sigmars_garden --help
sigmars_garden [options]
Starts interactive mode, screenshots focused window and performs a solution with mouse movements and clicks. Recommended to either bind sigmars_garden to global hotkey or use sleep to be able to focus a window before it screenshots and performs a solution.

sigmars_garden [options] --images image...
Transcribes the marbles and solves the garden, outputs a solution to stdout and shows an image of a solution. Will run out of memory when run with a large amount of images.

sigmars_garden [options] --text
Reads 91 marbles from stdin separated by whitespace in format 'QUICKSILVER VITAE EARTH SALT EMPTY' etc (case insensitive) starting in top left corner, reading left to right. Just copy a transcribed image and pipe it in!

--new-svm Force generation of a new SVM
--old-rules Solves the game with old rules (salt cannot match salt)
--verbose Prints extra info
-h, --help Shows this help and exits