Square Dino

Square Dino is a program that runs Conway's Game of Life. It was created with a friend of mine in the end of spring 2012 as the last project in our introductory course in programming. The course completely focused on Java and object oriented programming.

A reqirement in the project was using Swing, the GUI widget toolkit. This was no problem for us as we had previous experience in it and decided to go far beyond the requirements.

We added many features including import and exporting to file, changing ruleset, and a backend using QuadTrees.



Build with javac -d bin/ -cp src/ src/org/bitbucket/zetro/squaredino/

Execute with java -cp bin/ org.bitbucket.zetro.squaredino.SquareDino

You should also be able to import it as a project in Eclipse and run it from there.
